Perhaps my question would be better here. I ask this qestion for several reasons. In 1986 I was in an accident. In a coma for 3 months, sent to a Rehabilitation hospital for the next 21 months. After attempting suicide 3 times I began a study with the JWs, while still in the psychiatric ward of the hospital. I did improve to the point of discharge, specifically so I could get baptized at an international assymbly. While at the assymbly I did have an seizure, I got lost and wodered around for about 8 hours before I realized where I was at. I attempted to go in field service, but, after falling down a flight of stairs I was told that God didn't expect me to do more than I was capable of. We qualified for a government program and got a home in another city. These brothers did not know me or anything about my handicaps. My wife inherited a large sum of money from her fathers estate. She did not want to come home. I had lost all ability to care for myself, I lost my wife, I lost my children and I lost the frinds in the congregation. No one would go with me or invite me to with them in service, if I went, I went alone. My wife was disfellowshipped, but, she was reinstated in a matter of months. Oh yeah, I was very angery and let everyone know about it. My family, my own mother would have nothing to do with me nor my brother or sisters. I just quit going. After about y months an elder and a ministerial servant came to my home. I was told to be at the next meeting or I would be disfellowshipped. He did not say why. I believed the only reason he wanted me there is to tell the intire congregation, what need did I have there? It is now 21 years since I left, I've been trying to go back for 10 years now, but, I've encountered nothing but hate. I look at this and I have to admit my Neuro Sugeon and Neuro Psych. Have a valid point, this proves beyond a doubt, I AM disabled, Clinically Stupid, lacking any sense...
Daniel R. Lee
JoinedPosts by Daniel R. Lee
Does the WTS disfellowship mentally challenged people?
by Elsewhere in.
has anyone ever seen a situation where the wts disfellowhiped someone who is autistic, retarded or otherwise mentally challenged?.
i wonder if the elders give them more leeway knowing that they are not always capable of making decisions as well as a normal person.. .
Why No Disfellowshipping Before 1952?
by blondie inwhy was there no official arrangement before 1952 to disfellowship people?
was there a different procedure with a different name?
was no one committing disfellowshipping offenses?
Daniel R. Lee
I don't know if this would apply to the question under consideration. I want to get this out there. In 1985 there was an insert sent to all the elders by the GB outlining the criteria for baptismal canidates with mental deficeits. Is this true? What did it say? Can a copy of that, if it exists, be put on this website as verifiable evidence. My questions revolve around an accident that took place in 1986. I was in a coma for 3 months, sent to a rehabilitation hospital for the next year and 9 months. It was determinend that I now suffer from Organic Brain Disorder. If the words, deficeit or disorder preceed or follow it, I've got it. I viewed such a paper on this site, however, it did not have any of the WTS identification on it. I AM a fool, but, I am NOT an idiot. A fool is inexperienced, an idiot is one that does the same thing, the same way over and over again expecting differnt results. That being said, I have been taken over and over by trusting people. I seriously want this information. Why is a personal matter.